San Diego, CA

Reluctantly Me

Just an introvert girl living in an extrovert's world!

In the interest of full disclosure – as much as I LOVE LOVE LOVE to write, the one thing I loathe to write (or talk) about in this world is…MYSELF! I can write for hours on end about anything and everything using flowery descriptions and showing off my extensive vocabulary, but ask me to write a cover letter for a job about who I am and my accomplishments and my mind becomes a complete blank! But in deference to you my amazing readers, I will give it my best shot!

To start, my name is Amber “Lee” Kerstein. Why the quotations around my middle name? Because technically, I don’t have a middle name…at least not on my birth certificate. I prefer my three-name name to my two-name so there you have it! I am currently at the end of my 35th year on the planet and I am beyond ecstatic to share my thoughts with all of you on what it is like to be a woman who’s world does not revolve around a child, how I deal with being a self-proclaimed introvert who’s large social circle is chock full of extroverts. I also want to bring you the occasional book review, though I believe that area to be complete subjective, so no judgement, please! Anyway, onto more about me…

I have been an avid reader/writer for as long as I can remember. I’m one of those people that if I had a choice between going out and being social or staying home by myself and reading, I would choose the latter. Before you could read books on tablets or phones, you would find a book in my purse or backpack, no matter what. If I had 10 minutes of downtime, my nose would be in a book. I would check out 10+ books out of the library every three weeks because I would feel anxious if I didn’t have something to read!

I decided to start a blog about the aforementioned topics because I believe that there are a lot of you out there that can identify with me, but do not have a platform to speak or commune with other similar people. I have spent much of my life on the outside looking in. More on that later! This blog is a way for me to express to the world what that is like, in hopes of finding others who feel the same way! My dream/goal is to create a community of like-minded people who just want to be included and heard. I hope you enjoy my musings and if you feel compelled to share yours, I would love to hear about you.